Our facilities

Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana, is constantly adapting its facilities to the accessibility requirements.

Removal of architectural barriers

Platform access

All the stations and stops of the network have adapted routes with ramps and elevators, with the exception of the València Sud station.

Remote controls as a technical aid for the use of Metrovalencia lifts

This equipment is an assistive technology device for people with disabilities designed especially for people with reduced mobility and with upper limb mobility problems.

Metrovalencia will provide information on the facilities in which it can be used, and it may be the case that, on occasion, some of the equipment may be out of service.

The stations that have the remote control are:

  • À. Guimerà
  • Av. del Cid
  • Benimaclet
  • Colón
  • Facultats – Manuel Broseta
  • Marítim
  • Mislata
  • Nou D’Octubre
  • Patraix
  • Pl. Espanya
  • Quart de Poblet
  • Safranar
  • Salt de L’Aigua
  • Torrent Avinguda
  • Túria
  • Xàtiva

Terms of use of the remote control for Metrovalencia lifts, open in new tab

Platform access to the train or tram

FGV is carrying out platform construction works at subway stations to facilitate access to Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMR) between the platform and the train. Tram stops do not require this action.

The stations that have a platform are:

  • Aeroport
  • Alameda
  • Alboraia Palmaret
  • Alboraia Peris Aragó
  • Alginet
  • Amistat
  • Àngel Guimerà
  • Aragón
  • Av. del Cid
  • Ayora
  • Benaguassil 2n
  • Beniferri
  • Benimaclet
  • Benimàmet
  • Bétera
  • Campanar
  • Carlet
  • Colón
  • Empalme
  • Facultats – Manuel Broseta
  • Faitanar
  • Jesús
  • L´Eliana
  • La Canyada
  • La Cova
  • La Presa
  • Les Carolines – Fira
  • Llíria
  • Machado
  • Manises
  • Marítim
  • Masia de Traver
  • Mislata
  • Mislata Almassil
  • Nou d´Octubre
  • Paiporta
  • Paterna
  • Patraix
  • Pl. Espanya
  • Quart de Poblet
  • Riba-roja de Túria
  • Rosas
  • Safranar
  • Salt de l´Aigua
  • Santa Rita
  • Torrent Avinguda
  • Túria
  • Xàtiva

For stations that do not have a ramp, wheelchair users can request the installation of a manual ramp by calling 961 924 166 and 961 924 109.

Pedestrian steps adapted for PMR in the validation lines

All validation lines have a special width passage (90 cm). These steps have the possibility of frontal validation in the following stations:

  • Alameda
  • Ángel Guimerá
  • Avda. Cid
  • Colón
  • Facultats
  • Machado
  • Xàtiva

Note on wheelchairs, electric and scooters

By wheelchair, for the purposes of the regulations (RD 1544/2007, of November 23 and its modification published of September 20, 2019), the product of support for the mobility of people included in the object and field of Application of the following standards:

a) Manual propulsion wheelchairs. According to UNE-EN 12183.

b) Wheelchairs with electric motor and scooters with electric motor with three or more wheels. According to standard UNE-EN 12184, and that they can be included in Classes A and B, or in Class C provided that it meets the dimensions and maneuvering zone established for Class B. The maximum dimensions of length and width are respectively , of 1,300 by 700 millimeters.

Removing Communication Barriers

Communication devices with people with hearing impairment Communication devices with people with hearing impairment

The following stations have a magnetic loop on the platforms:

  • Alacant
  • Alboraia – Palmaret
  • Alboraia – Peris Aragó
  • Amado Granell – Montolivet
  • Benimàmet
  • Les Carolines – Fira
  • Russafa

The Espais of the Client of Alacant, Colón and Xàtiva also have a magnetic loop.

WhatsApp avatar Alternative WhatsApp messaging

  • Telephone messaging service for people with hearing impairment. It is a convenient and straightforward alternative to voice communication and is provided through the station intercom support services and the customer service line.
  • Anybody who has a problem in the Metrovalencia station can use the corresponding intercom number to request help or information. This service will be available during the same hours as the station’s opening hours:



Intercom 609 941 259


  • For any communications or requests for information dealt with by the 900 customer service line, these will be answered during the same hours as the telephone helpline, in operation from Monday to Sunday:



Customer Service 609 946 607

SVisual video-interpretation service in Spanish sign language SVisual video-interpretation service in Spanish sign language

SVIsual makes it possible for deaf and hearing impaired people to have personal, direct and immediate communication.

This service is available in:

  • Alacant Customer Area
  • Colón Customer Area
  • Xàtiva Customer Area
  • Benimaclet Customer Care Centre