Customer Involvement Committee.

Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana is a company in constant evolution, with a view to providing the best rail passenger transport service to the general public of the Valencian Community, through Metrovalencia and the TRAM d’Alacant (Alicante Metropolitan TRAM). Understanding that the best manner to making progress to the attainment of this objective depends on, among other actions, meeting the suggestions and queries of our clients, and to that end FGV is implementing various initiatives in order to further their participation and in learning his/her feedback on diverse aspects related to our service, which aids and involve us in decision-making and in the definition of our strategic and quality plans: The Customer Participation Committee.


Its purpose is to bring together in a shared space representatives of social entities and FGV customers who frequently use the service, in order to:

  • Help with their contributions to get a closer view of our image and services.
  • At the same time, hey will be involved in the resolution of demands.
  • The proposal of new actions intended for improving service quality, convenience and safety.

The Customer Participation Committee (one in Metrovalencia and another in the TRAM d’Alacant (Alicante Metropolitan TRAM) is made up of a maximum of 15 people. These members must act and meet in a coordinated manner: with set topics and a prior agenda, there is interaction between the company and customers in order to achieve greater commitment and complicity. A thematic meeting is held at least once every six months.

The members of the Customer Participation Committee are representatives of associations and public entities, as well as members appointed by the different public universities.  Furthermore, at least four people who frequently use the metro and tram services take part in each round table, and are invited to find out about their contributions, complaints and suggestions.  From FGV, the issues to be proposed are taken from the set of claims which are handled in the company, the Customer Satisfaction Index surveys and and the surveys and opinion polls, or those topics which, due to company policy, we are interested in discussing.

The annual quality surveys are also presented at the Customer Participation Committee, and their results will also serve as guidelines and indicators for future meetings.

If you are a private user, you use the Metrovalencia service and you want to be part of this initiative, fill in the form which you can access through this link and send it by e-mail to If you are selected for the next Committee meeting, we will contact you with the details of the call. If you are not selected, you will be added to the database of people who have volunteered to participate.