Personalised cards – Terms of use

1. Metrovalencia personalised card characteristics

  • The purpose of Metrovalencia’s personalised card is to identify the people who subscribe to any type of transport ticket or discount on these tickets for Valencia’s lines (metro or tram). It is for personal use and is non-transferable.
  • By itself, this card is not a valid transport ticket and, therefore, does not entitle the holder to travel.
  • This card is essential for the acquisition of transport tickets and the corresponding discount (large family, single-parent, etc.) in each case, according to the conditions of the transport ticket in question.
  • To travel on the Valencia metro and tram network it is necessary to load the personalised card with a valid transport ticket and validate it before boarding the train or tram. The TuiN ticket is also valid on departure (except on the tramway).
  • The presentation of any personalised card without the corresponding valid transport ticket loaded shall be considered the same as a person travelling without a transport ticket.
  • It is essential, for the acquisition of a transport ticket, that the personalised card is valid. The validity of the card will be determined by the expiration date of the last transport ticket purchased.
  • The presentation of an expired personalised card will also be considered as a person travelling without a ticket, except in the circumstances described in the previous point.
  • The personalised card must be shown by the bearer at the request of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana staff.

2. Transport tickets that can be purchased with the personalised card

TuiN, Gent Major, Mobilitat Mensual and Mobilitat Anual or those others established or determined by FGV. It is also possible to load on the personalised card the multi-journey tickets that are available at the time of loading.

Characteristics of transport tickets and conditions of use

  • The tickets loaded on the personalised card are personal and non-transferable.
  • The validity of the tickets, regardless of their different validity periods, depending on their type, is determined by their expiration date, which is engraved on the card’s chip.

Geographical and temporal scope of use

  • The tickets are valid for journeys within the different zone combinations for which they have been purchased and for the period of time determined by their validity, on the Valencia metro and tram lines.

3. Conditions applicable to personalised cards

Fraudulent manipulation or improper use of the personalised card, as well as its use by a person other than the cardholder, will be sanctioned in accordance with current regulations. Likewise, the card will be withdrawn from the offending person, losing all right to its replacement and may be subject to a report for fraud.

In case of loss, theft or malfunction of the personalised card attributable to the cardholder (breakage, damage, etc.), a duplicate can be requested at the Customer Service Centres, Espais del Client or Punts del Client, paying the corresponding amount.

FGV informs you that it is responsible for the processing of the data provided for the purposes indicated, specifically the issuance of the Metrovalencia Personalised Card. The legitimacy of the processing is based on Law 6/2011, of 1 April, of Mobility of the Valencian Community and the legal powers attributed to FGV. Additional and detailed information on Data Protection can be found on our website or requested by e-mail:

Rights: You may access, rectify and delete the data provided, as well as exercise other rights, as explained in the additional information that you can see on the website of FGV or by sending a written request, accompanied by a photocopy of your ID, to the following address: FERROCARRILS DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA – LOPD RECLAMACIONES Partida Xirivelleta, S/N – 46014 Valencia.

Download terms and conditions in PDF